I mean, it was St. Patrick's Day...
And this is what I wore at the Admitted Students Reception, which, btw, was pretty useless. Go figure!

Another thing that I'm trying is getting pants custom made to my measurements. I put up a request on Etsy.com
If you aren't familiar with Etsy yet, you should be. It's a community of people who sell handmade and vintage items and it's incredible. There are so many truly unique and beautiful things for sale, so check it out!
If you aren't familiar with Etsy yet, you should be. It's a community of people who sell handmade and vintage items and it's incredible. There are so many truly unique and beautiful things for sale, so check it out!
hey katie!
i do like the shape of the st. patricks day outfit, but i'm not sure about the colors all together. i think you could have added a necklace, and i'm not crazy about the earrings (i just am not a fan of hoops) also, are those yellow shoes too big on you?
i really like the the black and white outfit, too. the shape is really good on you and i love the look of pointed toe shoes. the only think i might have done differently is maybe added in a little color with an accessory... maybe a little red in a necklace or handbag.
i know this blog is about your clothing, but what are you doing about your hair/make-up?
There is no such thing as "too colorful," but there is a problem when colors don't complement each other.
And that's what happened here.
Colors need to work together. These don't. :(
Shape and composition was good, though.
I'm with the above commenter re hair and make-up. I don't do much in this arena myself, but I think you and I could both benefit from taking better care of ourselves in this arena.
And...almost everything in law school is useless. :P
I think the only thing I would have done differently in the st. pattys outfit would have been a different color tshirt. A light yellow, dark green, or even off white might have been good.
But the idea of the outfite (skirt, tee, jacket, heels) is great!
And OMG!!! Love love love the reception outfit!! Amazing, all the way! :) A keeper for sure!!!
Wait... what's wrong with my hair and make up??
ah, much better!!
the shape of both outfits is awsome! so so great :)
personally, i like the navy/white/green combo, but the color, not style, of the shoes killed it. a neutral, think tan or camel, would have been better. otherwise, you look really great!
as for the black and white outfit, another score! i'm not sure how tall you are, but if the petite skirt worked for you then give the petite pants a go, too.
I agree with Amber on the first outfit..just a milder colored shoe, and it would have been perfect.
LOVE the reception outfit!
I just found this blog yesterday and I just have to say kudos to you for doing this!
I personally like both outfits. I'm not CRAZY about the shoe combination in outfit 1, but it doesn't make me cringe!
As for hair and makeup--I think that people should stick to the questions that you have rather than try to add their own topics. If you wanted help with hair and makeup, you'd ask for it. Posters have to be careful not to give you a complex! Your hair and makeup are fine--we could all always use minor changes, but you are not in NEED of anything drastic. If you're happy with it, that's all that matters.
Good work on the outfits.
Never wear to many bright or pastel colors together, you end up looking like an Easter egg...not good.. :(
But the second outfit is fab!! love, love, love...
Keep up the good work!
Both outfits are great, I love the green skirt and I think you are beginning to get the idea of putting together an outfit.
Love, love, love the black and white outfit - you did great!
I agree with the other girls, the outfits are great as far as shape, and I love kelly green and navy together w/white (very preppy) but the yellow shoes were just a bit too much with outfit #1. Love #2 - great job! Also with #1 good job on putting the darker color under the lighter jacket and keeping the skirt a lighter color too.
As for petite sizing, it's not always about how tall you are, it's how long you are in the rise, so you should try petites to see if it helps avoid baggy crouch syndrome. I, myself, am on the short side but I can't always wear petites because I am not short in the rise, just the legs :(
i like the first outfit fit wise, but like someone else said, not so much the colors together.
I like the way the black skirt fits you, great buy :)
I think you may be tending to over-accessorize, which can be difficult not to do when you're learning to put together an outfit. The second outfit looks good, but I feel like the necklace looks sort of plastic-y.
I think the first outfit would be cute except for the shoes. The green/white/navy combo is good. And again, I don't like the earrings.
As far as hair and makeup - have you thought about straightening your hair? It might give you a more sleek and polished look.
I agree with the colour comments so far(green, navy, and white is really crisp without being too mitchy matchy). Yellow shoes a bit too much! A brown or tan bag and shoes would work really well through spring and summer and be really neutral to add to lots of other outfits.
Nothing to add to the black outfit- looks great!
Pants...oy! I hate having saggy crotch. Have you thought of having them tailored? What if you get a couple of nice pieces at a time at a deep discount? Then you might not mind shelling out the extra $s to get them to fit you perfectly.
i was the first poster who asked about hair/make-up. i didn't mean to offend you or give you a complex, but i think you could be doing a little more here.
i love your curly hair, i don't think you should straighten it. but i think the middle part makes your hair look like a triangle. maybe try to part your hair a little to one side? i used to always only part mine in the middle, and it takes some getting used to when you part it different, but i think it would be a positive change.
i think your skin looks pretty good, but you might benefit from a light powder to even out your skin tone a little and reduce shine. as far as other make up goes, i see you are wearing eye shadow, but do you have on mascara or eyeliner?
i also think that having your brows shaped would make a HUGE difference. if you decide to get them worked on, go to someone with a good reputation. after they wax them initially, you can do the upkeep yourself by tweezing every could of days. i think having your brows shaped would really open up your eyes.
again, i'm not trying to be rude or put you down. i've been reading your blog since you started it, and i think you have improved your style/clothing so much! and just doing a few simple things with your hair and make-up can complete the picture!
I think the first outfit is a little too baggy and makes you look bigger. I like the form-fitting look of your second outfit better. I also think both skirts could be about an inch shorter to elongate your legs.
Ooh, good call on the skirt length. The first skirt in particular appears to be hitting you at the widest part of your calf, which makes your legs look 1. wider than they are and 2. stumpy. Neither are positive qualities. The second one isn't nearly as bad--but a hair shorter would improve it.
I think my problem with the colors of the first outfit is that nothing ties them together--it's all just blocks of different colors. Not that everything needs to be matchy-matchy, but colorblocking doesn't always work. A necklace that had green and white beads, or if the skirt were a green and white print...or something. And the shoes were just too much (although I'm sure they'd be cute with a different outfit!)
The second outfit--super good choices.
Great to see you in skirts! Keep up the good work.
The outfit for St. Patricks is very cute, it just needs accessories, and I'm not a fan of your shoes for this outfit.
Black and white outfit is very cute too. You are doing great lately.
Hi Katie -
What an awesome idea for a blog! I think it's really great that you accept yourself as you are and have made the connection that dressing better makes you more confident, which always makes you more beautiful!
I went through something like this myself, which is why I decided to comment. When I was in college, I was a heavy size 16 - though I had someone once comment that she thought I wore a 20. I basically wore anything I could find that fit because I hated the idea of being "plus size."
When I got out of college and learned to finally cook for myself, the weight started coming off. But even before than I started taking an interest in fashion and how I looked and suddenly I felt so much better about myself. I had a wonderful, fashionable friend who helped me. Over the years, the weight fell off and by the time I was married this fall I was a size 6 and everyone asks ME for fashion advice. Those people who didn't know me 10 years ago have no idea how clueless I was!
I still have to be careful about how I dress though - everyone, everyone does.
Here are my hints, for what they are worth -
1) Start with hair and make-up first. When your hair and make-up look polished, you look polished, no matter what you are wearing. When you see people whose look you admire, ask where they have their hair done. Go in for a consultation. Check out magazines and bring clips in and ask the stylist which work for you. Get your nails and eyebrows done at least once - it really isn't that pricey - to see if you like it. This isn't about something being wrong with your look now - it's a bout an update and how good I know I always feel when I leave the salon.
2) ALWAYS try on clothes before you buy. You might even think about taking a digital camera along and taking pictures in the dressing room so you get an idea of how things look. You can always go back and buy later.
3) Consider finding three or four colors you love and only buying clothes in those shades, along with basics and neutrals like black, white, brown and navy.
This makes coordination much easier starting out and helps you build a solid wardrobe.
4) Consider 3/4 length sleeves and skirts that fall just below the knee. I think many of the skirts you pick are nice, but sleeves that cuts off at the middle of your upper arm are hard to pull off - I don't know why designers insist on that length. Layering a tank under is a good choice! It adds length, which is slimming and avoids that boxy look you have worried about.
5) Dresses and skirts are perfect solutions for your pants problem. There are a ton of fun cotton skirts out there - A-line, as previous posters have pointed out, is a good move - not to mention jean and canvas skirts. A well-chosen jean skirt can solve your rise problem like that, and are cool for spring and summer. I think a look like your St. Patrick's Day outfit is a great choice for class.
6) You are on the right track with layering, just make sure the pieces don't add bulk to your look -very thin shirts underneath - and the top pieces are tailored.
7) When you find a piece that really works for you, buy it in several colors.
8) Don't give up! You're doing great. And keep watching What Not to Wear!
I guess I'm in the minority, but I love the yellow shoes. It's an extra pop of color and looks totally springy and fresh. It looks age appropriate while the other one feels a little matronly to me, but I realize it was for a totally different type of occasion.
i think not having clothes that are so fitted and tight is much more flattering on your body type.
Good luck! :)
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