I also went to Lane Bryant today, and I think I did pretty good. Best of all, I spent $139, so if the week after my birthday I go in and spend $200, I get $100 off! So feel free to dig around the site and give me some recs!

I also bought in the past week or so:

One more pic -

A couple notes from the comments and comments on the Nest:
I am just not going to wear shapers every day. I don't know if anyone was necessarily suggesting that, but I decided I'd better clarify that anyway. I don't mind wearing them every once in a while, particularly under work clothes, but they just aren't an everyday thing for me. I need most things to look good with out them.
Also, someone suggested that knits like the shirts in the last post are only good under structured jackets. I envisioned those shirts mostly for wearing to class, not work. Do they really need a jacket over them every time? I wish there was a code for the way I'd like to dress for class. I don't want to be dressed up, but I want to move beyond jeans or even sweatpants and t shirts (as in t shirt t shirts, not fitted nice tees) for myself. I feel more confident this way. But a jacket just seems to be a little much.
Okay, okay, I will do the professional bra fitting. It's causing me some embarrassment, which is silly, but I can't help it. I will be visiting my mom next weekend and I'm going to see if she'll go with me. I'll just feel better.
This is almost more of a question than a note, so I'll end with it: Do you ladies REALLY wear skirts and dresses that often?? I'm getting a LOT of recs for a-line skirts and dresses and the like (WeezerMonkey in particular is an avid supporter of them!), which is great, because that way I can find a couple skirts for work, but as for casual wear in the spring and summer, it just feels odd to me. I think it would feel dressed up. But, I'll probably be living in the city by summer, and as we've established, my understanding of dress codes is a bit small town. Do you wear dresses and skirts as an everyday, non-work outfit?
ugh, I just typed a really long response and it dissapeared. I'll try again.
I love the first shoes! They are adorable. The earrings are very cute, too. And I think you looked really nice for class. Pulled together.
As far as the LB stuff goes- the first pants are iffy. The may just be too big, because they are giving you saggy crotch syndrome. I hate it when that happens to me. I always feel like I should be hiding a weapon in my pants or something... Anyways, try a smaller size or a different cut. The trouser jean cuts tend to look weird on me, so maybe thats the problem.
The shirts and other pants look good. I really like the sleeves of the blue shirt for you, its a great cut.
And I actually like the green shirt. I think its cute, but it looks like it will shrink after one wash and then be too tight. I'd swap it for a size up.
As far as skirts/dresses go, I wear one every few weeks. I just prefer pants. I'll wear them more often in summer. But with dresses, its just so easy to look pulled together, thats why I like them. I wear them casually occasionally. I used to HAVE to wear them for religious reasons, so I'm sort of anti-skirt now.
It looks like you are having fun with colors and styles, though. Good for you!
On another note, I liked the size of pictures you used before (I think its medium?) The most current are so small its hard to see detail, etc.
I wear skirts a LOT! Even when I'm not going to work! A skirt does not instantly mean "less casual." Banish this thought from your head! Whether or not something is casual depends largely on fabric and cut.
I almost never wear shorts; I only wear them when hiking when I travel. They just don't look good on me. Skirts, however, are very flattering and comfortable. For casual wear, try some durable structured cotton skirts or go the complete opposite route with fun flowing skirts.
Avoid pencil skirts. They are not good for girls with larger mid-sections and thighs. (I speak from personal experience.)
And, yes, get rid of that green monstrosity -- far too tight. You are looking quite fetching in your v-necks. I'm not really digging the cream patterned blouse, though.
You should be able to click on the pics and see them REALLY big! But I'll try to remember to click medium for you also.
I do NOT like the khakis. Saggy crotch syndrome is bad. The shirt from Cookie is too small, otherwise it might be ok. That is all I have right now. :-)
Dislike green shirt. Here's why: Sleeves. I have this problem myself. For some reason, the B/C family genes gave us big arms, regardless as to the size of the rest of us. Sleeves like that cut into our/your arms, and end up making them look even bigger. I'm VERY sensitive to this when I shop.
I'm with the other girls on the khakis. Are they supposed to be mega-wide leg? Cuz that only looks good on a very particular body type. I can't carry them off. I think it's only tall, thin people who can.
Skirts. I don't really get OUT of skirts in the summer! I despise shorts, but for some reason skirts feel completely different. I'm nearly always in skirts that hit just below my knee. Just pair it with a more casual top, and it's not so dressy anymore. :-)
Yay! You went to Lane Bryant! I went there this past weekend and picked up the same top in your first pic twice. You should have done a bra fitting while you were there - it only takes a few minutes. They do them so often that it's really not a big deal. In fact, sometimes if they see you walk into the dressing room with a bra they'll ask you if you'd like a fitting.
I agree with the others that the green top needs to go. It just looks too small.
I rarely ever wear skirts. Maybe I'm just weird, but I feel naked if I don't wear hose and I hate hose. I guess it's more of a hatred of hosiery with me than the skirts themselves, lol. Then again, I work in an environment where jeans are the uniform.
Love your tops! The khaki pants could fit a bit better...I have the same problem with LB - I have NO idea who they cut their pants/jeans for but they look ridiculous on me. A few places to try...Gap Curvey fit pants and jeans...they go up to a 20 online (I'm not trying to be insulting but I don't know your size!), Old Navy women's plus (their pants always fit me very well and they have both jeans and khaki styles as well as capris and walking shorts out now) and Style and Co. if you have a Macy's near you. All are affordable and fit 100% better than LB pants. It's funny...I frequent the nest as well and can't believe the # of people who say they wear skirts and dresses! I wear them to get dressed up...I guess because I have a hard time finding ones to fit me. Good luck and keep us posted on your shopping pursuits!
Hi! I was the one promoting the structured jackets. They don't have to be "stuffy" suit jackets to be structured. Something like these would be great for school: (in the fall and winter switch the poplin to a fine or medium corduroy) and by throwing on a jacket over the thin knit tops you avoid having to wear Spanx all the time because the jacket helps skim your problem area and the color of the shirt underneath an unbuttoned jacket is vertically slimming visually.
For shirts with more structure this is what I am talking about:
The shoes you picked up are very cute and a little quirky, which is a good thing!
i LOVE skirts and dresses for summer. love love love them! i finally transitioned out of shorts for casual wear about 3 years ago and i've never looked back! :) a cotton skirt paired with a tshirt or tank top or dress with cute flats or flip flops is a great casual weekend outfit. and i'm willing to bet that lane bryant has some great stuff like that for spring.
i'm loving the polka dot and the yellow wedges. adorable!! not a huge fan of the 2nd set of earrings, but jewelry is such a personal thing, if you like them, then go for it.
and really, for law school, why can't you wear a pair of cute tailored jeans to class? in grad school i definitely upgraded my jeans (dark washes, trouser or boot cuts) and what i wore with them (sweaters, button down shirts, etc), but jeans are comfy! and in my opinion great for boppin' around campus. sure, upgrade to slacks and a nice top if you have something important to go to, but for everyday class stuff, i vote jeans!
Sorry, to clarify - the jeans aren't the problem, the lazy tshirts and such are! :-)
I think jackets are perfect for school. I have several (brown cordoroy, khaki, black cashmere) and I wear them with jeans all the time to class.
LOVE the polka dot shoes by the way:)
Hi Katie,
I LOVE that blue shirt1 The cut is adorable and color is so beautiful on you!
As for the pants situation, have you tried visiting a tailor to get a pair of pants altered? S/he can give you a better idea of what to look for in the future. Just a thought!
I used to work a corporate job and wore skirts and dresses all the time. Again, because they're easy to pull together and also because the right dress is incredibly flattering!
As for jackets, I wore them in college, but in more casual cuts and fabrics. The safari look is really in the spring. Have you looked at any of those yet?
Great finds..! Everything is looking fabulous. I will certainly visit at Lane Bryant.
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