I hope you'll like these. My hair doesn't look very good in any of them, just as a warning!! Sleep deprivation was a major issue this week :-P
This is my least favorite picture, just because my hair was up all day so it looks crappy, and the angle is bad.

And, in my humble opinion, the best so far:

Another bit of good news: Depending on how close you're looking, you might notice that my boobs look high and huge (comparatively, anyway!). This is apparently where a 22 year old's boobs are supposed to be. And I am apparently between a B and a C cup, and bras are supposed to fit relatively tightly, causing me to be a 40B, not the 44B I measured myself as. I bow to you all. Let the I Told You So dance commence! :-D
Outfit 1: I am wincing at the cropped denim jacket. Toss.
Outfits 2 and 3: I'm not a fan of white with your skin tone, but both of your white shirts are cut well. Good job with that. I just with they were a nice deep vibrant color instead of white. I don't think white is flattering for you.
Outfit 4: I agree that your fave outfit is the best of the bunch. Nice colors. Nice fit. Pat yourself on the back for this one.
I like the cropped jacket! I think it stays!
I also think white isn't the best choice for you, but you did make good choices with the styles of shirts.
I freakin' love your fave outfit! Rock on girl!
I don't think the cropped jacket is flattering, I would go with a regular length.
I actually really like the white shirt and I think you did a great job with the style of it..very flattering!
The last outfit is perfect..you hit the nail on the head! :)
My opinions
outfit 1: Don't like the jacket. But I love the shirt and the necklace! The reason why I don't like the jacket is it hits you at your midsection which is your widest part. You don't want emphasis there.
Outfit 2: I really like that shirt with jeans. White is tricky to wear if you are not stick thin (which I am not)but I really think that works for you. I agree your skin tone doesn't scream "WEAR A WHITE SHIRT" but that one really isn't that bad.
Outfit 3: Don't like that shirt. It doesn't flatter your body.
Outfit 4: Good colors, LOVE the shirt. I don't happen to like super wide leg pants on anyone. But they fit you well.
PS. I love this blog! I admire you, I wish I had the guts to do what you are doing.
Outfit 1: I'm not a big fan of the cropped jacket. It doesn't look bad on you but I just think its kind of young for someone in their 20s. I love the shirt though!
Outfit 2 and 3: I love the fit of the white shirts. I'm very fair so I understand that white can be a hard color to wear. And I like the blue and white skirt in the second picture.
Outfit 4: I love everything about the last outfit. The color is great on you!
I'm not a fan of the cropped jean jacket, but, if you like it and want to keep it, try pairing it with a shirt with no embelishments. The reason I say that is there is a lot going on in the front of your chest, and it would look better if it were the only focus. I love the cuts of the white shirts, they both look great. And the last outfit is adorable. Those shoes are fantastic!
First off, the last outfit is by the far the best!
I think it's working for you because:
-it's not overly busy
-great color by your face
-flattering neckline
-nothing is pulling or pinching at your figure
I'm agreeing with the others that the cropped jacket is not working for you. It looks like it belongs to your kid sister. Not many people can pull off the cropped jacket look and the ones that can are probably 15 or younger and tiny people.
I just started looking at your blog recently and I see that alot of your clothes can be categorized as tad 'busy'. Meaning lots of gathers, patterns, embellishments, etc. I think that more simple and classic lined pieces are more flattering for your body type and your age. Add fun elements in your accessories: a great colored purse, shoes or jewelry. I love the bird necklace, that is exactly what I'm talking about. Leave the embroidery/cutesy stuff behind and get things with great lines and fabulous colors.
Hope that helps! :)
This last comment kinda confuses me. I'm 22, not 42!! So now there can't be anything on anything? That just seems so boring! And aren't prints at least supposed to be the big thing this season?
I'm not saying you're wrong,because you may very well be right. I'm just saying I'm surprised and confused, and need more explanation/debate on this :-)
I'm sorry, didn't mean to be confusing. :)
I'm all for prints and fun elements. I'm 36 and find tons of stuff in the junior sections still. I guess what I mean is the overly busy stuff feels really juvenile and all the elements draw attention to your body in ways that I don't think are the most flattering. I commented on your outfit the other day where you had the green skirt and yellow shoes that it was totally spot on and age appropriate. I know you're only 22 and you should totally dress for someone your age. Does that help clarify what I meant?
A little.. I'll think on it.
Thanks a bunch! :-)
I have to disagree with Anne. I think fun prints and embellishments are just fine and completely age appropriate. I think that comment is more of a personal preference than a general rule of thumb. There are lots of 20, 30, 40 etc year olds wearing fun prints. As long as they are worn in a way that flatters your figure, I say go for it.
So just to clarify, I don't have a problem with prints. I have TONS of patterns and prints in my wardrobe. I love them. They're great if they are flattering.
What I was suggesting is that when you have two many of those things going on at once in one garment it doesn't look good and can look on the cheap/tacky side in my opinion.
I totally believe in wearing what makes you happy and what makes you feel good in so if you like those things then wear them.
This is my first time visiting your blog and think it is great!
Along the same lines as Anne's comment I think patterns, embellishments etc. are a bit much when worn together.
If I am wearing a printed or embellised skirt I pair a plain tailored top with it. If a top if a little busy I balance it with a plain bottom.
For example I like the blue patterned skirt but would go with a more simple top.
The last outfit is great! Good job!
outfit one...
I don't think the cropped jacket is flattering at all (sorry!)
the outfit with the white shirt (outfit 2), i don't think you need a necklace with it, because the neck line is already so high, it is a bit distracting.
I agree that the outfit you like best is in fact the best outfit of the bunch.
Agree that last outfit is the best. Very nice!
I really don't like the cropped jacket. It looks like you bought it the children's department.
The third outfit - it might just be the angle, but I think the top might be too long for the skirt.
P.S. I think it's great that you are open to constructive criticism and wanting to improve your wardrobe.
I would suggest not taking picture from above. It makes it very difficult to see the clothes.
Wow! Some major improvements. And I totally noticed your boobs right off--not in a "BOOBS!" way but in a "hmm, her clothes all look like they fit better now, what's different? oh! her boobs are in the right place and there aren't any bulges!" way. Nice work.
1. Hate hate hate the cropped denim jacket. Denim jacket = can be fine; cropped = makes your stomach look gigantic, particuarly from that angle.
I like the color of the top, and I would like it with that necklace (cute) even better if the neckline of the shirt were deeper.
2. Your glasses are cute!
I really like the empire waist of the top, and those shoes are much better.
3. Yeah, colors are definitely better on you. But not bad.
4. Awesome pants, necklace, neckline, and your hair looks better too--it is parted off to the side a tad, no?
Outfit 4 looks great :)
One thing I found that helped me immensely in the fashion department (although I'm still not all the way there) is a book called Brenda's Wardrobe Companion. You can get it on Amazon and it is SUCH a worthwhile read.
Come Back!
I just stumbled across your blog - what a neat concept! Your newer tops look great - they fit so much better. I noticed you've had some problems getting pants to fit and you even mentioned buying custom pants? I would really recommend taking them to a tailor - they can work wonders. Also, you can find some nice inexpensive pants, but be careful because a lot of them are unlined and very thin, which is never flattering. Good luck!
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