I also got rid of a bunch of things: anything that is more than say 5 pounds from fitting, a bunch of shirts that never fit me very well, and tons of things that were too short. So I'm getting there! My big shopping trip will either be in late March or early August. I'm having trouble getting people together to go, since my two best friends are in nursing school and a PhD program, my one sister is going to England, the other wants me to wait until she gets an extra big paycheck, and the youngest one wants to go prom dress shopping and so wants to go earlier!! Busy schedules! But it will happen no matter what, even if I'm on my own. I'll have your good guidance to help me out!
I'm adding a surprising new rule: Discount clothes are okay if they are a minor part of the outfit and chosen carefully. Because you know that lace cami that several of you liked? Walmart!! So I think as long as I don't depend on cheap places for ALL my clothes, like I tend to now, I can still pick up cheap things from there every once in a while.
There were two things so far in the great clean up that I decided I needed outside guidance on:

hmmm, i'm on the fence about the skirt. probably with a cute brown sandal and a nice tank or sleeveless top, it'd be cute to run around in during the summer.
however, the blue dress has got to go!
Neither are flattering. I vote toss them.
The blue dress is a definite "no." The skirt is OK with the correct top.
One general comment that I have about all of your photos is that I think you might want to go up one size on some of your shirts (the reddish one in that one photo would look nicer if it wasn't so clingy below the empire waist - I think an empire waist is good for you, but you need things that skim your body, rather than cling).
I agree with pretty much everyone. These are fodder for the trash can.
A tip re your photos:
You've been mentioning that you don't think you're photogenic. NOBODY looks good when the camera is below your sightline. Place your camera so that it is even with you or above you, aiming down.
I know that this is unsolicited advice-and I feel bad about it-but maybe you should take your pictures somewhere else or just clean up that area first. Its hard to concentrate on what you are wearing when there is so much trash all around you :(
feel free to delete this comment too, I know this is not what your blog is about.
Sorry about that. I promise we aren't swimming in our own filth, as that pic makes it look like. We're just constantly in chaos - 2 packrats, a cat, and a lizard that requires a 50 gallon tank all together in about 525 sq. ft.!!! Can't WAIT to move, let me tell you.
Anyway, I'll make sure to pick a less messy area next time.
Someone mentioned a different camera angle to improve the look of the picture. Some other tips: Position your body at a 45 degree angle to the camera, and hold your elbows slightly away from your waist. Resting your weight on one leg and slighty bending the other will also help your picture to be more flattering.
I know you are looking for fashion advice, but I would also suggest a different cut for your curly hair that would give you more layers up top. They will frame your face more, and also give your hair more controlled body.
Lastly, although this may be surprising, look for more body conforming bottoms like a pencil skirt. Wearing voluminous skirts does exactly that: add volume. HTH!
Sorry - I think both items have to go. The dress - the neckline is all wrong and the sleeves are cut too short. The skirt - I don't like the clingy fabric or the cut -have you tried A line skirts with a heavier fabric? or maybe even a pencil skirt? it dosen't have to be skin tight just something that skims the body, sometimes going for "flowy" ends up giving you way to much fabric and it ends up not being a flattering look.
Other posters had some good advice about posing. Just look at the models you have in this blog, almost all of them are posing that way.
I agree with tossing tossing those two items. The skirt isn't doing your body any favors, and the dress looks too small/young. I think it's the combination of the high neckline and above the knee length, plus a busy pattern.
I'd suggest looking for dresses that have less pattern than both this dress and your honeymoon dress. Also, you may find that different fabrics, rather than basic cotton, might be more forgiving.
That brings up the question, when are you most likely to wear your dresses? Do you want a wash-and-wear style to wear regularly to work or church or something, or do you want something more elegant to wear out to dinner with your hubby and on special occasions? When building your wardrobe, you'll want to look at your lifestyle, and pick things that fit into it.
Trash the blue dress. I am not crazy about the skirt, but it might be okay with the right top and shoe.
* get rid of the blue dress unless you intend to save it to dress as dorothy on halloween
* get a hair cut with more layers / volume on top to give your face a more flattering angle
* consider buying seperates instead of dresses. since you're bigger on bottom than on top, it can help solve the fit problems.
* try on bigger sizes just in case. eventhough something fits, doesn't mean it looks good.
* choose a well lit, clean area for your photos, and have your spouse take the photos so the camera is at a better angle.
I say toss as well.
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