Welcome to my blog.
I'd like to tell you all a bit about who I am, what this blog is about, and why I am choosing to write it.
I am overweight. I have always been overweight. I've come to the conclusion that I will always be overweight.
Keep reading. I'm not sad.
I have finally, finally, FINALLY reached a point where I'm happy with the way that I look. I've seen myself a couple sizes smaller and, while it was nice, it just wasn't that big of a deal. Plus, I got that way by being too poor to eat in Italy. Meh to that. Meh to any sort of diet again, ever. No, I'm not going to switch back to non-diet pop. No, I'm not going to go back to the atrocious eating habits that I had as a kid. And no, (hopefully!!) I'm not going to start eating my feelings again, or eating because I'm bored. But I'm also not going to be a calorie counter, or a compulsive food monitor, or an insane exerciser. I've been around those people. My dear, dear grandparents are those people, and while I love them a lot, that's not who I want to be. I think making food and my weight so central to my consciousness was part of what got things so out of control to begin with. When food is a band-aid, focusing on gaining and losing weight is especially dangerous.
And so now? I am what I am. Yeah, it'd be great if I could slim my thighs back down just enough so they don't rub together, or if I could tone up my stomach. Maybe now that I am rediscovering free time, it'll happen. Sweet. But am I going to stress myself out over it? Spend my time thinking about it, and talking about it? No, I'm not. I do enjoy going to the treadmill in my apartment complex, and so I am going to start doing that again. BECAUSE I ENJOY IT.
I can't tell you what a liberating feeling this is to finally have. I finally look in the mirror and feel pretty! I can go out and not worry about what I look like! I love it!
But, I'm aware that, even though I feel like I've caught up now, and most of the things I've bought recently are on the right track, my clothes are not doing me any favors. There are things in my closet that I KNOW need to go, that I just haven't parted with yet, but there are also lots of things that I'm not sure about. I'm also not sure how to rebuild. When you've been living on jeans and t-shirts, it's hard to know what basics you need.
From here, I'm going to follow up with another post, setting some basic ground rules and deciding the format for this little What Not to Wear simulation.
Please help!